Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chapter 23: Burn, Baby, Burn...

Alright, so my posting is not as regular as before, but I'm settling in...once I'm fully settled, I'll be back on my A-game. One reason I haven't posted this week is because Mom and I are working out every day when we get home from school. For the past three days (I'm including today) we have gotten home at 5 or later (due to language lessons, all the female teachers visiting S's house, and a visit to the giant mall for various items). But why I haven't written isn't important...the exercising, that's what's important. After rowing competitively for eight years and then doing next to nothing in the exercise department for about a year and a half, I'm back in the game!...and I'm forcing Mom to play too. We using balance balls, which somehow make workouts feel more like playtime (I think it's because I harbor a secret hope that one day Mom and I will duct tape handles onto the balls and have a demolition derby around the apartment...or maybe I just like bouncing). We use workout DVDs, which are quite helpful and provide us with many opportunities to comment on/lament over our current situation (please read: we often tell the leader lady to go to Jericho...but in a more colorful manner...hint hint...wink wink...nudge nudge...I think that's it, unless someone else can think of another hinting type motion/movement). But now, I'm crazy hungry (I know, abrupt subject change) and I have to occupy myself until dinner and all this typing and writing takes too much thinkings. Maybe I'll go watch some JAG and knit a hat...yeah, that sounds nice.

1 comment:

RoboDad said...

Any time is a good time to start. I am proud of the two of you. Now it's my turn to try and match your resolve.
